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7 Internet Marketing Strategies for Your Business | Business Tips ...

Aug 30, 2012 by Victorino Abrugar at Online Marketing

We are in business because we have some goals. Some business owners aim for money and wealth, while others have personal intentions, such as proving something to the world. In other words, business owners, small or big, are keeping their own specific goals. When it comes to Internet marketing, we also do it because we have particular goals or objectives to achieve. Some of these goals include increase in sales and profit, online reputation management, and customer retention. To achieve these goals, we need strategies.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, ?a strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim?. Thus, your strategies in online marketing should be established to achieve your aims. To guide you to your business and marketing success, here are 7 internet marketing strategies to help you reach your targets.


1. Build a blog for your business

Having a quality blog that always update with fresh and useful information can help your business achieve several marketing goals, such as expanding your audience online, being in constant communication with your customers, and encouraging them to make profitable economic decisions and actions.

A blog can be your source of interesting contents, which you can make visible in the search engines, social media, and other online places to strengthen your business online presence. Through your blog, you can drive targeted traffic or visitors, who could be your potential clients. You could also publish relevant and engaging blog posts, which include articles, news, stories, images or videos, to earn loyal followers and create lasting relationship with them.

To learn more about having a high-quality blog for your business, you may read these ?100 Ways to Make Your Blog Stand Out from the Crowd?.


2. Rank high on SERPs through SEO

Being highly ranked and visible on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) of major search engines, like Google, Yahoo and Bing, will increase your traffic coming from people who are using them to search for specific information on the Internet. When traffic to your site increases, your profit conversation rate also increases, especially that traffic coming from the search engines are mostly organic or first-time visitors.

Ranking higher on the SERPs is achieved through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You can either hire a SEO specialist or do SEO in your own. If you have the money and you have more important and profitable tasks to do, you could hire a search engine optimizer. But if you lack money, but you have time, you can learn SEO and implement it by yourself.

SEO involves a lot of processes, techniques, tactics and discipline. To learn more about search engine optimization, here are ?20 SEO Tips for Your Business Website or Blog?.


3. Get loyal followers on social media

A better and deeper relationship with your customers and even with the community is essential to your business success. That is why you have to pay attention to the social media ? the place on the Internet where everyone is interconnected not only for business, but also for personal and emotional attachment.

Social media marketing (SMM) helps your business achieve more trust and confidence from people who could be users of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, and other social networking sites. This marketing strategy involves creating engaging social media profiles or pages, like Facebook and Google+ pages. It also involves formulating viral content that are naturally shareable and spreadable. And more importantly, it includes close human interaction and constant communication with people, like being friends and neighbors in Facebook and in Twitter.

Blogs, like WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr, are also considered social media. To learn more about social media marketing, you may check out these ?12 Social Media Marketing Strategies for your Business?.


4. Analyze your analytics

Continuous execution of your online marketing tactics could be ineffective if you will not monitor your progress. Thus, you have to pay attention on your own analytics. There are many analytic tools that you can use to track the progress in your blogging, SEO and SMM campaigns.

In blogging and SEO, you can use free tools, such as Google Analytics, Google webmaster tool, Bing webmaster tool, and even the dashboard of your blogging software like WordPress and Blogger. These tools can give you important information about your traffic, like its volume, monthly or daily statistics, demographics of visitors (i.e., their age, location, gender, and level of income). There are also SEO tools that can analyze your own site?s ranking, domain authority, number of backlinks, and other important data about your blog or website. Another option is to hire an SEO analyst who can conduct a SEO audit on your site and submit a report to you on how you can further improve your site.

In your social media campaigns, for example in Facebook, you can simply use ?Insights for Facebook Pages? to analyze and determine if people are engaging on the content you publish on Facebook. It provides Facebook page admin analytical data about your story impression, clicks, likes, and comments. It also gives you the ability to know the demographics of the people who liked your page, such as their location, gender and language.


5. Analyze the competition

In order to win your competition, you have to know yourself (which is the strategy we used in #4) and also know your competitors. You?ve got to spy on your competitors. The purpose of spying on your rivals is to come up with the content or solution that is unique and is above the competition. Spying should not be a means of copying, but should be a way to ensure that you are providing the first or the best in the market. In other words, you should not spy to copy, but you should spy to ensure that you are not copying. For example, if your competitors are giving 50 solutions to people, then you can give 100 solutions to people.

But how can you do the spying? Getting information from your competitors isn?t difficult, especially if they have already presence online. You could even use Google to check your competitor search engine ranking or simple visit their site directly to study their content structure. You can also check their page ranking, authority and reputation score, pages indexed, number of backlinks, and how their visitors or users engage with them.


6. Manage your business online reputation

Your business should maintain a good reputation offline and especially online where information can easily spread. And the solution to maintain your business reputation is Online Reputation Management.

Online Reputation Management (ORM) for business is the practice of monitoring the Internet reputation of a brand or business, including the persons behind the business, to ensure that positive reviews, mentions, feedback or word of mouth online is being given to the brand or business and not their negative equivalent.

The best ORM strategies are the ones which are ethical and those that avoid the practice of hiding negative qualities of a business just to make it positive in the eyes of the public. Ethical reputation management involves preventive measures such as maintaining good business in the first place and spreading good word of mouth in the online world through blogging, SEO and social media.

However, there are still inherent risks that a business could suffer despite of maintaining good actions for the public. This happens when competitors use unethical or negative practice to attack the reputation of such business. In this case, detection is very important and the business can do preventive measures to counter the attack. You can hire an ORM specialist, who is also an expert in SEO, content management and social media, to help you protect and control your business online reputation.


7. Build a community

So how do you leverage the Internet to keep your business growing? The answer is to build a community online. This community could be composed of your existing and potential customers, followers, friends, interested people, your employees, and even the people in the public whom your business is helping. Your online community can be an integrated network consisting of your blogs, website, online forums and other types of websites, Facebook page and group, Twitter profile, Google+ page, and other social media pages, which are all existing and working for one common goal ? to build a community for your business and for the people.



Traditional marketing for business is still effective and cannot be left behind. However, we also have to pay attention to innovative marketing, like blogging, content marketing, search engine marketing and SEO, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, display advertising, email marketing and other Internet marketing strategies that our business can leverage to be more competitive and successful online. Besides, traditional marketing can also be integrated to internet marketing to work effectively in assuring our business success online and offline.

Victorino Abrugar is the founder and chief writer of BusinessTips.Ph. Vic is a social media enthusiast who loves to share his knowledge and insights through blogging. He provides business coaching to aspiring small business owners and entrepreneurs to help them reach their business and life's goals. Follow him on Twitter at @viclogic or interact with him on Facebook.

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Source: http://businesstips.ph/7-internet-marketing-strategies-for-your-business/

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Can we lay off a department and require reapplication? ? Business ...

Q. I recently read about an employer laying off an entire division and then making those employees reapply for newly reconfigured jobs in that division. This sounds like a good way to get rid of deadweight and lower our payroll. Are there any legal problems with this? Will those who don?t reapply still be eligible for unemployment compensation? ? A.S., Pennsylvania

A. Laying off an entire division may limit the risk of claims from individual employees that they were singled out for discriminatory reasons. But they could still make such claims if, for instance, a majority of the laid off employees are in the same protected class. The key is to be able to demonstrate that there were legitimate business reasons for the restructuring. ?

Make sure the ?newly configured jobs? are not just a restatement of the old jobs orchestrated to get rid of certain employees. Also, document the objective job-related reasons that you chose to restructure and for your subsequent decisions to rehire certain employees over others. You may have notice obligations under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act if you?re covered under the law and if 50 or more employees are affected.

To be eligible for unemployment compensation, an em??ployee must be able and ready to return to work and should actively search for work. An employee who refuses to accept suitable work generally is not eligible for unemployment compensation. If all of the employees are told they will be rehired, then they would not be eligible for unemployment compensation if they decline to accept the new positions. If, as is more likely, individual employees may or may not be rehired, then they may well be eligible for unemployment compensation if they decide not to reapply.

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Assessing the Effectiveness of Pre-College Outreach Programs for ...

Dr. Jame?l R. Hodges
and Dr. Terrell L. Strayhorn

Dr. Jame?l R. Hodges, staff associate in the Office for Access and the Advancement of Public Black Universities at the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, and Dr.?Terrell L. Strayhorn, associate professor in the School of Educational Policy and Leadership at Ohio State University, offer the results of their study on the effectiveness of Pre-College Outreach Programs for Black Men.

A recent report from the Council of the Great City Schools states, ?The nations young Black males are in a state of crisis.? Newspaper headlines, books and online sources affirm that this is the current state of affairs for Black male youth in education. And despite some claims that the ?crisis? is exaggerated or imagined a bit, national data demonstrate that there?s indeed cause for alarm. For instance, Black men are twice as likely to be unemployed, compared to White men. Black men, on average, earn 75 percent of what White men earn for comparable work. Black men are seven times more likely than Whites to be incarcerated and they tend to receive jail sentences that are about 10 months longer than their White male counterparts. Shockingly, only 43 percent of Black men who enter ninthgrade leave with a regular diploma within four years, the lowest high school graduation rate among both sexes and all races. Even those Black men who complete high school are significantly less likely than their non-Black peers to enroll in college and, ultimately, earn a college degree (Strayhorn, 2008b).

Two reasons why Black men might struggle academically, thereby dropping out of high school or failing to pursue higher education, are inadequate academic preparation ? what some refer to as college [un]readiness ? and lack of supportive relationships, which research has shown to be critically important for students, especially Black men (Harper, 2006; Strayhorn, 2008a). In response to these concerns, colleges and universities have established pre-college outreach programs (PCOPs) to provide compensatory education to students at risk for academic failure or those with limited opportunities to learn.

While the weight of evidence suggests that PCOPs are certainly useful and believed to be effective, very little empirical evidence exists to guide programs in the adoption of specific components that prove helpful to students. And we know relatively little about the influence of PCOPs on the academic readiness of Black males and the ways in which PCOPs promote parental involvement in the lives of Black male participants. This is the gap upon which our study was based.

In 2010, a qualitative dissertation study was conducted of the Neighborhood Academic Initiative (NAI), which is sponsored by the University of Southern California (USC). The NAI is a rigorous, six-year precollege enrichment program, established in 1989, that is designed to prepare low-income neighborhood students for admission to USC. The NAI program provides multiple educational opportunities for ?scholars? and their parents (or families) to gain an understanding of self, others, leadership, and skills that are necessary for success in college. The program represents an espoused commitment by the university to youth in the local community through a fully funded academic scholarship to USC.

The study consisted of in depth interviews with African American male participants, a recent alumni, who was a current full time student at USC, NAI program staff, parents and teachers in an effort to identify the components of NAI that prepared the African American male participants for college enrollment and the ways in which NAI affected them. Interview data were collected using a semi-structured interview protocol that included questions divided into four major categories. Sample questions included: (a) Describe your academic experiences prior to NAI or (b) What components of NAI have in your opinion better prepared you for college?

Data were analyzed using Creswell?s (2003) six steps for analysis which lead to three major findings:
(a) NAI was critically important to Black males? preparation for and subsequent enrollment in college;
(b) Parental involvement in the program is essential; and?(c) Program staff and curriculum also play a role in nurturing Black males? aspirations, increasing their college readiness, and supporting them to college.


As a result of this study, we offer the following recommendations for college student educators generally and those who work with PCOPs specifically. First, continue to advocate for and support precollege outreach programs like NAI. They play a major role in expanding the college readiness opportunities of students who might not otherwise have a chance to ?get ready? for college. Second, consider ways to engage parents (and families) in precollege programs such as NAI. Parent workshops, sessions, and activities are ways to involve them meaningfully in the program and to share information (e.g., financial aid) with them that might be helpful to their student. Third, realize that just as students are different, so too are their needs. Directors might create liaison positions to offer targeted assistance to program participants who are first-generation to college, low-income, international, or come to college with other responsibilities (e.g., work, dependents).

Findings from the study also suggest recommendations for future research. For instance, Hodges found that having high expectations for African American males; the presence of an African American mother figure (family involvement); and self-efficacy or resilience were positive contributors to the success the African American males preparation for college, but it?s unclear whether this holds for a larger sample of African American men who participate in other PCOPs. Future researchers might design quantitative surveys that tap this issue directly and administer it to larger samples of students. Other studies might pay closer attention to the role that program staff ?play in Black male participants? success. Interviews or surveys might be appropriate tools for such as study, depending on the sample size and study?s purpose.


Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Hodges, J.R. (2011). Experiences of African American males accessing the pipeline of higher education through the Neighborhood Academic Initiative. (Doctoral dissertation). University of Southern California.

Strayhorn, T. L. (2008a). Fittin? In: Do diverse interactions with peers affect sense of belonging for Black men at predominantly White institutions? The NASPA Journal, 45(4), 501-527.

Strayhorn, T. L. (2008b). Influences on labor market outcomes of African American college graduates: A national study. The Journal of Higher Education, 79(1), 29-57.

Source: http://www.jbhe.com/2012/08/assessing-the-effectiveness-of-pre-college-outreach-programs-for-black-men/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=assessing-the-effectiveness-of-pre-college-outreach-programs-for-black-men

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2012 College Football expert predictions

It?s finally here. College Football!!!!!! The marquee matchup tonight is South Carolina at Vandy, but there are a handful of other games tomorrow. Tomorrow night we get Boise St. versus Michigan State, then on Saturday there?s a full slate of College Football.

What would a football season be without TVF sharing our predictions (as ridiculous as they may be). With the season kickoff just a few hours away, the esteemed writers here at TVF have made our picks. Some of our predictions will come to fruition, most of them will not. Some of them will garner laughter. We?ll just have to watch the games and see what happens. And without further ado, here are the picks that will surely all be wrong by Halloween.

The ACC has several picks for FSU, Va Tech, and Clemson. Pretty standard predictions by any means. The real question is whether or not FSU is truly back on a national level. I say yes, having them reach the BCS Title Game (come on, that schedule is a joke). Everyone else disagrees.

The Big 10, much like the ACC, has picks scattered. Michigan State, Michigan, and Wisconsin all garnered multiple votes. And for some reason, Nebraska earned one vote (really, cbh?). Almost everyone went with the favored Sooners in the Big 12, but give extra credit to Hawkeye and JP for their completely random picks. Pac 12 and SEC picks are as close to unanimous as the group got, heavily favoring USC and Alabama. Those two teams are also picked by most of us to reach the BCS Title game. It?s worthy to note that I?m the only writer who picked a school other than USC, Bama, or LSU to win the title. Maybe I?m just that dumb.

The fun predictions! Barkley?s the heavy favorite for the Heisman. No shock there. But patphish should be heavily criticized for picking a top 10 team as ?surprisingly good.? Georgia is the popular pick to suck this season, getting 3 picks. However, I question if that?s truly a surprise. Georgia screams mediocrity, pretty much every year. All that being said, feel free to share your own predictions or mock ours in the comments.


Watsonian is Michigan born and raised but has lived on the North Side of Chicago for the last eight years. He roots for all things Detroit (/pours one out for the Shock) and Michigan State. You can e-mail him at watso1rl@yahoo.com

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Source: http://www.thevictoryformation.com/2012/08/30/2012-college-football-expert-predictions/

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Android phone makers back platform but consider other options

BERLIN (Reuters) - Some phonemakers are quietly exploring alternatives to the Android operating system implicated in the Samsung-Apple ruling, industry watchers say, despite their public pronouncements they are sticking with the technology.

Last week, a U.S. court ruled Samsung's Android devices were violating Apple patents - a major blow to the leading mobile software platform because it could lead to sales bans and high licensing fees.

The impact could also hit smaller vendors that use Android like HTC, ZTE, and Sony. Android is used in more than two thirds of smart phones.

Huawei, Sony, Lenovo and ZTE - which all use Android extensively - told Reuters they were continuing to bet on the Google's platform despite the ruling.

"(The ruling) is not relevant to what we are doing," said Chris Edwards, chief of ZTE's business development in Europe.

But as the mobile market matures and more patent cases look likely, some makers are looking at the alternatives.

Samsung, which has used a number of platforms but now mostly uses Android, announced a new phone running on Microsoft's new Windows Phone 8 software at a consumer technology conference on Wednesday, sneaking ahead of a hotly-anticipated launch of a Nokia-Windows phone due next week.

Shares in Nokia, which has partnered with Windows and is its main user, jumped after the Samsung ruling on expectations it might be a safer legal bet than Android makers.

The California jury said Samsung infringed six of seven Apple patents in the case, including technology that recognizes whether one or two fingers are on the screen, the front surface of the phone and the design of screen icons, which is a clear reference to Google's technology.

After the verdict, Google said that most of the patents involved "don't relate to the core Android operating system."

Android was used in 68 percent of all smartphones sold last quarter, with Samsung making almost half of them, while Microsoft had 3 percent market share.

The balance of power is unlikely to shift quickly as this season's new phones were all made before the ruling.

Sony launched three Android phones this week at IFA, Europe's largest consumer electronics fair. Chinese phone maker Huawei launched four.

"We have made our choice," said Lars-Christian Weissewange, vice president at Huawei's phone unit, adding that consumers were making the platform choice for them by picking Android phones. Sony said the ruling was not impacting its business.

"This is probably not impacting consumer thinking," Gianfranco Lanci, chief of Lenovo's European operations, said on sidelines of the conference.


But behind closed doors, companies are looking at alternative routes should the ruling impact ripple wider out, said several industry insiders.

"Today, all Android vendors are considering their software options," said Pete Cunningham, an analyst at research firm Canalys.

Samsung's brief, surprise launch on Wednesday of the world's first smartphone running on Windows Phone 8, should be interpreted as muscle flexing, analysts said.

However, it should not be seen as a firm move away from Android as the model will likely struggle to stand out even among the other Windows phones, said Malik Saadi, analyst at research firm Informa.

Illustrating the high interest at stake are the behind-the-scene meetings of Google's and Apple's chiefs Larry Page and Tim Cook on the patents.

Despite its small market share, Windows Phone is still the largest alternative to Android as Apple and Blackberry maker RIM have not made their platforms available for other handset makers.

At the same time, vendors are pretty much stuck with Android as Windows is way behind in terms of applications on offer, offering just 100,000 apps against half a million each on Android and Apple.

"Microsoft needs to create a developer environment for the Window Phone, which is growing, but still trails behind the others," said Roberta Cozza, analyst at Gartner.

Attracting developers is difficult with tiny market shares.

Navigation firm TomTom launched an app running on Android this week but said it was not planning a Windows app.

"I have a big bucket of (research and development) and if I had to decide where to put my money, I want to wait first to see whether Windows is a success," said co-founder Corinne Vigreux.

(Reporting By Tarmo Virki; editing by Jane Barrett and Janet McBride)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/android-phone-makers-back-platform-consider-other-options-134034166--sector.html

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Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer for Your Personal Injury Case ...

Last updated 7 hours 57 minutes ago

Have you been involved in an auto accident or been the victim of medical malpractice? These are two matters that fall within the category of personal injury law. If you have been injured in this type of accident, you may be facing extensive medical bills and a loss of income that is quickly adding to your stress. One of the benefits of hiring a personal injury lawyer is that the attorney will advocate on your behalf so you can receive the compensation to which you are entitled. Other benefits include:

Lawyers Who Know the Law
Your case may involve multiple claims or multiple parties. Part of your lawyer?s job is to determine who should be held legally responsible for your accident. This includes analyzing issues like comparative negligence and damages.

Experience That Helps Create Success
An experienced personal injury lawyer will have a good idea of what your injuries are worth, your likelihood of success at trial, and more. Lawyers can also help increase the value of your case. If you are dealing with an insurance adjuster or another party?s attorney, they may mislead you about the value of your claim and the law. An attorney will protect your rights and likely increase the value of your case because he or she knows the law and will know when the other party is misrepresenting the law.

Having an Advocate in Court
Some cases settle before going to court, but if your case goes to trial, you need the experience of a personal injury lawyer on your side. An attorney not only understands the law, but trial and courtroom procedures as well.

If you have sustained injuries in an accident, it is important to consider the benefits of hiring an attorney. The personal injury lawyers at Fox and Fox Attorneys at Law know what it takes to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your accident. Call (888) 480-1439 to schedule a consultation.

The materials available at this website are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Use and access to this website or any of the links contained within the site do not create an attorney-client relationship. The opinions expressed at or through this site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of the firm or any individual attorney.

Source: http://www.foxandfoxlawyers.com/534187/2012/08/30/the-benefits-of-hiring-a-lawyer-for-your-personal-injury-case.html

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Square scores retail deal with AT&T, swipes smile off competitors' faces

Been paying for your frappuccino via Square, and fancied getting some of that diminutive payment-taking action for your own business? Well, previously, if you didn't live near an Apple store, Radioshack, Walgreens, Fed Ex office, Best Buy, Target, UPS or Wal-Mart then you were fresh outta retail-luck. Or living in a cave. Now, however AT&T has started stocking the card readers at all its bricks and mortar outlets too, further plumping-up that number of locations that stock it. Frankly, we're not surprised to see this reaching more shops, if the sales guys spend all their time drinking that brand-endorsed coffee.

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Square scores retail deal with AT&T, swipes smile off competitors' faces originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 30 Aug 2012 14:56:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/30/square-scores-retail-deal-with-atandt-swipes-smile-off-competitor/

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Beautiful Hair The Safe and Natural Way

By Anonymous on Aug 24, 2012 03:53 pm If you are concerned with eliminating the toxins in your environment and food, you should also think about eliminating the toxins in your bath, beauty and hair products, too. You may be very surprised to know that you have products right in your own kitchen that can also deliver amazing results!
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Glamour Modelling - Facts and Advice

By Anonymous on Aug 24, 2012 12:49 pm The word glamour can mean anything from the glitz of living the life of a celebrity to referring to the state of undress of young female models. These days the line between the two has become more blurred, as page three models build their careers in the limelight and become actors and personalities that sometimes seem larger than life. This articles explores the world of glamour modelling, offering advice to girls who are considering this either as a career or just to make a bit of extra cash.
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Petite Modeling - Not As Petite As You Might Think

By Anonymous on Aug 24, 2012 11:36 am If you don't have the height for petite modeling, but think you've got the looks and personality, you may be considering the petite modeling route. This articles explains what petite modelling really means and how the industry is changing.
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How Your Thoughts Affect Your Breast Size

By Anonymous on Aug 24, 2012 11:35 am The thoughts we believe to be true are the basis of our beliefs. These beliefs that we hold are acted out in every aspect of our lives. These beliefs are persistent and sometimes unknown even to ourselves although they affect our every decision and action, eventually leading to the overall outcome of our lives. As strange as it may sound, these often subconscious beliefs affect our breast size.
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What You Need to Know About Buying, Wearing, and Storing Perfume

By Anonymous on Aug 24, 2012 10:34 am Perfumes and fragrances for both men and women can be expensive, but with their abilities to conjure up feelings as well a create a pleasant experience for both the person wearing the perfume as well as those close to the person wearing the fragrance, it is worth the cost. Due to the expense involved when buying perfumes and fragrances, it is wise to know more about how to select and choose perfumes as well as how to store and wear them.
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How to Choose and Most Effectively Apply a Quality Perfume

By Anonymous on Aug 24, 2012 10:23 am Choosing the right perfume to suit your style and needs is challenging, but rewarding and fun. Your perfume is a way of expressing your personality. Perfume mixes with your own personal scent and smell and will smell different on different people, so never assume that a perfume which smells great on a friend will smell good on you. Here are some tips on not only how to choose a great perfume, but also on how to effectively apply the fragrance.
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The Pros and Cons of Gel Nails

By Anonymous on Aug 24, 2012 09:35 am Nicely groomed nails are a girl's best friend and one of their favourite accessories, however if just one of their nails chips or smudges this can ruin the overall appearance of the entire set. Which is why it is important to choose a strong durable nail extension such as gel nails. Pros The main pros when it comes to gel over alternative nail extensions such as acrylics, are that they are extremely durable in comparison and well suited to stand the test of everyday wear and tear.
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How To Shop For The Best Perfumes - For Women

By Anonymous on Aug 23, 2012 05:08 pm Perfumes perfumes everywhere... But how to find the best fragrance for me? Simply browsing the aisles of any perfume shop used to make my head spin what with all the fragrances and pretty bottles in every direction. Overwhelmed as well? Here's a closer look at the perfume shopping experience with 5 practical tips for a successful shopping expedition.
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French Manicure With a Twist - Pink on Pink

By Anonymous on Aug 23, 2012 05:07 pm As I've shared before, doing my nails is not really my strong suit. I'd love to get them done all the time, but that's way too expensive and I'd miss out on some fantastic products.
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How to Wash Hair Extensions

By Anonymous on Aug 23, 2012 01:20 pm Washing hair extensions depends on whether they are temporary or permanent ones. With temporary extensions you can take them out before you wash your natural hair so you don't have to wash them as often as you would with permanent extensions. Hence, the less you wash them the longer they last. However, if you follow the simple rules behind washing hair extensions, they equally last for a very long time.
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Source: http://lotion-salts-bathandbodyworks-online.blogspot.com/2012/08/aromatherapy-essential-oils-extracts_7853.html

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IFA Gadgets Galore and Two Other Stories You Need to Know

Welcome to this morning?s edition of ?First To Know,? a series in which we keep you in the know on what?s happening in the digital world. Today, we?re looking at three particularly interesting stories.

A Swarm of Tablets, Smartphones and Other Gadgets Unveiled at IFA Berlin

[More from Mashable: Reddit Rising: Community Site Just Had Its Coming-Out Party]

For the last couple of days we've been following the multitude of gadgets revealed ahead of the IFA Berlin 2012 consumer electronic show, and we've been impressed by what we've seen so far.

Beside showing us the next-generation Galaxy Note, Samsung has unveiled its first Windows tablet, its first Windows Phone 8 smartphone and an Android-powered Galaxy camera.

[More from Mashable: 3 Parts of a Patent Every Startup Should Know About]

Sony has improved its offering on the tablet and ultrabook front, and a trio of new smartphones was also revealed.

We've also seen a number of tablet-ultrabook hybrids, several 4K TVs, and a bunch of earphones and speakers, courtesy of Logitech.

The show hasn't even officially kicked off yet, so stay tuned for more updates over the next several days.

President Obama Joins Reddit, Does an AMA

Have you followed Barack Obama's official AMA (ask me anything) session on Reddit yesterday? If not, don't worry -- you can check out all the details here, here and here. As a bonus, we've also gathered 20 silliest questions the President was asked during the session.

HTC Announces Desire X

HTC has announced the Desire X, a 4-inch Android 4.0 handset with a Snapdragon S4 1GHz processor, a 5-megapixel camera and 4 GB of storage.

The device will become available in Europe and Asia starting next month.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, mattjeacock

This story originally published on Mashable here.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ifa-gadgets-galore-two-other-stories-know-071851565.html

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Northern Arizona News ? Economics refutes irrational gun laws

by Kiersten Turnock?

This is part of a Point/ Counterpoint Column about possibly placing restrictions on gun purchases. Click here to see the other side of the argument.

(Political cartoon by Brian Regan)

?Guns don?t kill people, people kill people.? The long-time debate about gun control seems to be never-ending in the United States and has become even more prevalent this summer as a result of the shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin. With this recent spree of mass shootings, a large portion of the population is advocating for stricter gun laws, citing the argument ?fewer bullets, fewer deaths.? While this is all said and fine on paper, it fails to take into account the economics of gun laws and the potential repercussions of harsher laws and further government interference.

These advocates are assuming the only reason people like James Holmes commit murder is because Colorado has ?lax? gun laws. Ideally, if Colorado were to implement stricter gun laws and make firearms harder to obtain, mass shootings like this would not happen or would happen less frequently. These people, quite simply put, are idiots with absolutely no concept of the economic theory of ?substitutes.?
Substitutes are goods used to replace the preferable good when the latter is not readily available or may be harder to obtain. For example, if I go into a restaurant and order a Diet Coke, but the restaurant serves Pepsi products, regardless of how I feel about Coke vs. Pepsi, I am more likely to substitute the Diet Pepsi for the Diet Coke than I am to leave the restaurant.
So, just as I am willing to substitute Diet Pepsi for Diet Coke to get my fill of zero calorie cola, a serial killer is willing to substitute a different weapon or method of killing people to find their means to the end. This analogy illustrates it is not guns that kill people, but the willingness to kill and determination to satisfy that end.

Implementing stricter gun laws merely provides incentive for the murderer to commit the crime in a more creative way. The problem, therefore, does not lie in the freedoms allotted to citizens to carry guns, but in the society we live in which has brewed the motives for people to kill.

Holmes? crime exemplifies one way our society has created a breeding ground for mental illness. Holmes molded his crime as a sort of ?tribute? to the Joker in The Dark Knight. The argument could be made if we didn?t live in a society that thrives on drama and violence, movies like The Dark Knight ? however mind-blowing they may be ? would not be in such high demand. As movies become more and more violent and creative, demand in turn rises for something even more epic to be produced. ?In order to meet societies? demands, Hollywood creates these films and completely negates the fact our country and society encompasses extreme mental instability that is easily molded by propaganda.

Ever the advocate for the supply and demand curve, I wish the solution was as simple as reducing demand for violent and suspenseful films. Unfortunately, corruption in the media is only one factor of our post-industrial society that influences mentally ill people to kill. However, the fact still remains, implementing stricter gun laws will do nothing to correct the factors that cause people, like Holmes, to have the need or desire to kill people. If someone is going to commit murder, they will do it regardless if it is with a gun, an axe, a knife, a bomb or a combination of the four. The only problem a law is going to solve is ensuring the victims of the crime will be injured or killed in a slower and/or more creative way.

Source: http://northernarizonanews.com/blog/2012/08/29/point-economics-refutes-irrational-gun-laws/

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The OUYA Gaming Console sparks a buzz in the gaming world ...


By Ase Ptah, Writer, WorldSwagg.com

August 24, 2012

Calling all hackers and game developers! There?s a new hackable, open-platform gaming console coming and its sparking a serious buzz. It?s called the OUYA (Ooh-Yah) Boxer8. OUYA is an Android powered console that plugs right into your TV. In gaming, TV is the last closed platform. The team at OUYA intend to crack that platform wide open.

So, what are some features? How about an OUYA exclusive Final Fantasy. You?ll also be able to stream PC games through OnLive! It?ll have the award-winning XBMC media player. Are you into League of Legends or StarCraft? You can watch them both on OUYA via Twitch.TV. The console will have music videos courtesy of VEVO. Also, bump your favorite music through the iHeartRadio and TuneIn apps. Developers of the system plan to use the free-to-play model. So, all of the games will be free. well, some entire games will be free, some will be demos that you can upgrade later. Still, all of the games are free to try. OUYA must be proud of there controller. They?re calling it the ?Stradivarius of controllers?

The controller has all of the standard buttons, sticks and triggers which boast to be fast and have laser precision. Its unique feature is the touchpad, for games that will cross over from the tablet and smartphone platforms. The price tag for the console and one controller?$109. In this economy, that seems pretty reasonable.

Remember, OUYA is open source and hackers are invited. Literally anyone can make a game. So go ahead and crack it open, don?t worry about voiding the warranty. That because OUYA is? a console and a dev kit. You can even make your own peripherals. There are no costly SDK or license fees to dish out. Indie developers can create games, publish them to OUYA, set there own price, then split the profits 70/30

The Los Angeles based OUYA team is lead by industry veteran?Julie Uhrman. Product Designer?Yves Behar, creator of the Jambox, is also on board. With the current state of technology, the team set out to make a quality product that?s cheaper to build. Also,? OUYA wants to bring to the market games that are cheaper to create and buy. The boxer8 project was launched on the fund-raising site Kickstarter.com. The goal was to raise $950,000. in one day, over $2 million was raised. As of today, they have raised almost $9 million on Kickstarter.com. It?s safe to say, there?s interest in this product.

After E3, there wasn?t much excitement about what?s to come. The PS3 nor Xbox 360 showed anything that sparked true interest. Some fans gave credit to Nintendo for trying to move in a new direction. Still, the Wii-U got mediocre reviews. Some saw the Boxer8 as something different

For the hard core, the Android platform may not best fit for serous gaming. Plus, the console is open. So look for a slew of garbage wackware to flood it?s market. The bright side is that less restrictions usually breed more creativity. So indie and AAA game developers will have a chance to do something fresh and different.The next video game imagineer could be reading this article. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have closed the doors to their platforms. OUYA may open a new door that?ll lead to a new era in gaming. The system is said to hit the public March 2013. You can pre-order your OUYA Boxer8 at www.Ouya.tv now. The specs and a video are below. Hotep, I am Ase (Ah-Shay), satisfying your tech munchies for WorldSwagg.com


  • Tegra3?quad-core processor
  • 1GB RAM
  • 8GB of internal flash storage
  • HDMI connection to the TV, with support for up to 1080p HD
  • WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
  • Bluetooth LE 4.0
  • USB 2.0 (one)
  • Wireless controller with standard controls (two analog sticks, d-pad, eight action buttons, a system button), a touchpad
  • Android 4.0
  • ETHERNET! (Announced by Muffi 7/18)





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Source: http://supremereaction.com/2012/08/28/the-ouya-gaming-console-sparks-a-buzz-in-the-gaming-world/

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Lying about breast cancer

Why I don?t think pink for breast cancer

Komen, the jig is up.

You know these people ? the ones who make you feel like a heartless crank if you won?t buy and wear a pink ribbon, pink armband, pink socks, pink underwear and pink whatever else they?re selling these days.

They even have ATHLETES conned into wearing pink, for crying out loud.

All this overpriced pink junk is supposed to be funding a cure for breast cancer ? it?s right there in the name, Susan G Komen for the Cure ? but your hard-earned donation dollars aren?t just being used for that.

Despite the name, it appears that Komen?s biggest goal isn?t just the prevention of breast cancer or even a cure ? it?s getting women screened and treated no matter what. And every time a study proves that mammograms DESTROY women?s lives, Komen is out there pushing these screenings harder than ever.

Truth? How about half truths instead? Just take a look at last year?s ad campaign, which claimed the five-year survival rate of breast cancer caught ?early? is 98 percent, versus 23 percent when it?s found ?late.?

What they won?t tell you is that some of the early crowd ?survived? cancers that never would?ve hurt them in the first place. And women in the late crowd may have even been victims of mammograms, not cancer, since, as I?ve told you many times before, I believe the procedure can squish an otherwise harmless tumor until it bursts and turns into a killer.

Now, an editorial in BMJ tears into the organization for its creative accounting ? and researchers included a couple of numbers you won?t be seeing in a Komen ad campaign anytime soon: A 50-year-old women who gets mammograms every year for a decade has a 0.53 percent chance of dying of breast cancer, while a 50-year-old woman who skips them completely has a 0.46 percent chance of dying of the disease.

That?s an absolute difference of just 0.07 percent.

And for every life allegedly saved by screening, the researchers say up to 10 are over diagnosed, which leads to needless treatments. Think toxic drugs. Think disfiguring surgeries. Think of the untold stress of a cancer diagnosis and all because of Komen-backed mammograms.

Think about that next time someone asks you to wear a pink ribbon.

I?m not done with cancer yet. Keep reading.

Source: http://douglassreport.com/2012/08/29/why-i-dont-think-pink-for-breast-cancer/

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Identify The Best Known Home Improvement Tips | Suburban Life ...

You know that creating upgrades to your home, not merely brings beauty in your living space, but additionally boosts your home?s worth. To ensure that you are receiving by far the most benefit for your personal work, you need to find the best suggestions to help with the redesigning project. Look into the useful recommendations in the following paragraphs.


Having more bathrooms at home is priceless on the homeowners, but it additionally boosts the price of your own home. If you have the indicates, then adding a restroom would be a very good long term purchase. Be sure that you stick to the concept your home already has, and maintain it in the same time frame period of time as your entire home.

Are you presently tired with looking at the worn downward bushes facing your residence? Why not allow them to have a new air of life by trimming them downward and shaping them. Once you take time to trim your bushes and shape them, they look significantly solution and give a nice contact to your home.

Before you begin a cooking area transform, ensure you have got all the required resources and supplies into position. Shims are products which are super easy to forget about, but are essential if you want to have stage kitchen cabinets. Shims are tapered pieces of timber that permit you appropriate for slight flaws within your walls and surfaces.

By no means undertake a residence advancement undertaking that you just aren?t totally self-confident that one could complete. Even in order to do-it-yourself, when you aren?t assured that you could finish off the task all by yourself you must get professional help. This will likely keep you from recognizing halfway to the undertaking that you simply aren?t capable of getting it done, which may are more expensive than acquiring a skilled in the first place.

Feel meticulously before taking out a residence improvement loan. When you use your home as collateral, then be absolutely sure that one could afford to spend the money for cash back. Perhaps you have worked well within a strict budget which will take a ?worst-scenario-scenario? under consideration? When the thought of a whole new kitchen or bathroom is tempting, sometimes you can expect to turn out paying a lot more than you expected, because so many home remodeling assignments review price range. Sometimes it?s better to use the funds you need to make modest improvements.

Be sure that you be on the lookout for all types of companies. You need to make certain that you receive a licensed contractor with a decent standing, in addition to, a reasonable cost prior to deciding to ask them to improve your property. You don?t need to be stuck with paying a expenses that you just can?t afford to pay for or possibly a project that?s fifty percent concluded since the licensed contractor chosen to stop emerging, half-way with the undertaking.

Since you now have observed how effortless it is to discover the strategies to offer your home, not only added beauty, but added value, it is time to start on that home improvement project. The functional suggestions from this post will supply you with the information and facts that you need for success of your incomeathome.

Tagged with: home business ? home improvement ? income at home ? redesigning ? team national

Source: http://www.suburbanlifemag.com/263-identify-the-best-known-home-improvement-tips

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Cricket to offer Muve exclusively on Android plans

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Mobile phone carrier Cricket is making its unlimited music service, Muve Music, an exclusive feature of its higher-end phones.

The change is a bid to encourage users of lower-end, basic cellphones to trade up to smartphones, which require more expensive plans. The company will stop offering the service on basic phones to new customers.

Muve Music allows users to download songs from a catalog of millions. The songs cannot be transferred off the phone, and access disappears if a subscriber cancels service. About 600,000 Cricket subscribers now pay an extra $10 a month to get the service.

Starting next month, Muve will be included in all plans for smartphones that use Google's Android operating system. The plans go from $50 a month including 1 gigabyte of data to $70 a month for 5 GB.

Previously, Android phones with unlimited data plans cost $55 a month, or $65 with Muve included. The least expensive non-smartphone plan with Muve cost $55 a month.

As Cricket adds new customers and others leave, the plan could help boost Muve Music's subscriber count.

Cricket, which offers lower-cost, contract-free plans to rival those of the bigger carriers, currently has 5.9 million customers, and 60 percent of them use Android phones.

If those numbers hold steady, subscribers to Muve Music could exceed 3 million in the two years that it generally takes for Cricket's customer base to change over completely. That would make it the largest music subscription plan in the nation.

Both Rhapsody and Spotify, the market leaders in the U.S., currently have about 1 million paying U.S. subscribers each.

The use of Muve does not count against one's data cap. The typical customer downloads about 300 songs and listens to more than 30 hours of music every month, the company said.

Cricket, the brand of Leap Wireless International Inc., saw its subscriber count drop to 5.9 million in the quarter through June, down from 6.2 million in the previous quarter. Leap executives blamed the dip on weak results from national retailers that carry the brand. Leap has its headquarters in San Diego.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/cricket-offer-muve-exclusively-android-plans-070545816--finance.html

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3 Ways to Amplify Small-Business Marketing with Crowdsourcing

Originally Posted At On Jeffs Empower Network Blog
Don?t have time or money to do all of the marketing you?d like? Why not get your customers, consultants, freelancers, experts, writers, and more to help you? That?s what crowdsourcing is, and it?s a great way to enhance small business marketing efforts. By tapping into the ?crowd? (particularly the massive online crowd), you can jumpstart your social media and content marketing efforts, extend your brand reach, and amplify your messages through word-of-mouth marketing.

Crowdsourcing initiatives for marketing can be grouped into three distinct categories, which are described below along with easy ways to get the crowd involved so your messages spread wider and your brand and business grow faster.

Source: http://www.kjbiz.info/custom-id-3-ways-to-amplify-small-business-marketing-with-crowdsourcingmon-27-aug-2012-140242-0700/

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Jobs at Microsoft Nigeria - The Optimum Careers

National Technology Officer
Job Announcement Date: Aug 22, 2012
Location: Lagos, NG

Job Category: Sales
Location: Lagos, NG
Job ID: 799962-84423
Division: Sales

The National Technology Officer (NTO) role is responsible for external outreach and engagement with technology policy elites, leading academics and government decision makers with the objective of enabling the creation, or maintenance, of a technology policy environment which supports the subsidiary's growth objectives.

The NTO will develop, in conjunction with the subsidiary leadership team, an engagement strategy which addresses existing and emergent technology policy issues which impact Microsoft?s business model and capacity to grow. These engagement strategies will have a significant and material impact on the subsidiary's mid to long term growth prospects and recognize that a failure to address emerging technology policy issues can lead to government policy making and intervention which severely restricts Microsoft?s freedom of action in its local markets and around the world.

The following characteristics should be seen as critical for a successful National Technology Officer:
1) A deep understanding of the impact of information technology in national social and economic systems as well as within the business of government.
2) A profound understanding of the breadth of Microsoft?s business, strategies and applicable business models
3) A broad technical understanding (Level 100/200) across many of the current and future technology policy domains:
a. Open Standards, Interoperability, Security, Privacy, Open Source, Wireless and Spectrum, Systems Architecture, Development Technologies, etc.
4) A demonstrated depth of technical expertise (Level 300) in at least one of the above mentioned domains
5) Demonstrated expertise in building and leveraging sustained relationships with:
a. Ministerial levels of government and their technology policy advisors
b. Leading academics and think tanks on issues of social and economic policy
c. C-Level executives and their advisors in the business of government
6) The highest levels of competence in public speaking and presentation skills
7) Significant experience and expertise in representing complex company or product strategies to members of the press and analyst communities.
8) Demonstrated competence in working within a virtual team environment and accomplishment of goals and objectives through influence of others not under direct management control

The NTO reports to the Country Manager. The NTO is a particularly demanding role which requires both internal strategic focus as well as a significant, 60% commitment to external engagements and relationship building.

By definition the role has no direct reports. However, local management teams may make the decision to house other resources within a " National Technology Office" lead by the NTO e.g. Chief Security Advisor, Standards Specialists etc.

The role has a primary commitment of 60% external face time with a 75% time allocation on Public Sector engagements and 25% available to other segments as determined by the local leadership team.

The NTO is expected to be an active participant in the WW Technology Officer Community and as such will be expected to contribute to the development of the community by active participation in community forums and through best practices sharing with other NTOs around the world. The NTO is required to attend 3 WWTO meetings per year outside the local geography.

Experience: 10+ years
Education: PhD / Bachelor's Degree
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Must be experienced and proficient in the role of education in social and economic development and with the public sector (government, education, or public health) environment in general. Actual K-12 or higher education experience is highly recommended and preferred. Must be viewed within the Public Sector or within the industry as a credible, technical expert.

Click here to apply for this Job

Location: Abuja
Experience: 5 year(s)
Course of Study: Business Administration
Required Grade: ?Not Specified

PTA - Nigeria
Job Announcement Date: Aug 24, 2012
Location: Lagos, NG

Job Category: Sales
Location: Lagos, NG
Job ID: 803463-86860
Division: Sales

Are you looking for a career that utilizes your passion for technology? Do you enjoy explaining the business value of complex Microsoft solutions? Are you interesting in joining a team of senior technology professionals who, as trusted advisors, help Microsoft Partners in developing new or improving existing solution practices?

The Small and Mid-Market Solutions & Partners (SMS&P) group has an indirect sales model predicated on effective recruitment, development, management, and support of a highly productive Partner channel. The Partner Technology Advisor (PTA) is a senior technology role intended to develop and guide Microsoft?s managed Partners? solution practices.

Your specific PTA role responsibilities will include:

??? Partner technical sales capacity development:
??? Support the Partner Account Manager (PAM) in Partner business planning, Partner portfolio development, sales pipeline reviews, periodic business reviews, as well as other areas where the PTA?s knowledge of the Partner could be of assistance in impacting the Partner business and relationship.
??? Assess Microsoft Partner technology sales capacity by using a consistent process, applying an established set of criteria to provide a foundation for the Microsoft Partner?s development plan, and establish ?gives and gets? with the Partner.
??? Present solutions and product technical knowledge in one-to-one, one-to-few, and one-to-many engagements.
??? Co-selling with Microsoft Partners:
??? As a part of Partner development, engage with Microsoft Partners on first sales opportunities with new solution practices or with new versions of Microsoft technologies.
??? Coach Microsoft Partners on effective product demonstration techniques and tools, as well as demonstrate the products when necessary to instruct Microsoft Partners on effective demonstration techniques.
??? Support Microsoft Partners in the competitive sales engagement process.
??? Provide guidance on optimal technical solutions to both customers and Partners.
??? Evangelize Microsoft solutions: Present in 1:Few and 1:Many engagements and events.
??? Support new product launches or strategic initiatives with Partners in the SMS&P space.

Successful candidate will exhibit the following qualities:

??? Familiarity with Microsoft's vision and how to solve business problems with Microsoft solutions.
??? Understanding of the sales process and solution selling techniques.
??? Solid technical sales background.
??? Experience in working with ?Partners?.

Microsoft?s Small and Mid-market Solutions & Partners (SMS&P) group has an indirect sales model based on effective recruitment, development, management, and support of an indirect sales channel through our Partners. The Partner Technology Advisor (PTA) is a senior technology sales role dedicated to the development of Partner practices. The job?s primary purpose is dedicated to developing Partners? technology sales capabilities and co-selling on qualified opportunities. Some of the activities a PTA will engage in include: selecting and enabling high-potential ?growth? Partners for in-depth capacity/skills development, working in active sales engagements with Partners on well-qualified opportunities as a part of their development, and delivering solution presentations at one-to-many breadth-Partner events. The PTA is the only role with a technology emphasis within the SMS&P field sales organization, and is focused on Partner solution practice development around Microsoft technologies. The development of Partner capacity through technology sales skills is a long-term investment; the PTA is the primary role to accomplish this. This work will demand a candidate with the ability to effectively collaborate with Partner Account Managers (PAMs) and other roles to prioritize long-term investment with Partners as there may be pressure to focus on short-term revenue.

Experience: 3 - 8 years related experience
Education: Bachelor?s Degree (B.S./B.A.)
Field of Study: Ideal would be Business with technology focus, Computer Science with business focus, Management Information Systems or similar combination of business and technological studies. Other fields of study are acceptable when combined with strong background or work experience.
Training / Certification: None required, though the following would be an advantage:
Technology certifications: Technology certifications: Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP), Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE), Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist (MCTS), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
Sales: Solution Selling

Knowledge / Skills:

??? Experience in selling to Business Decision Makers highly desired.
??? Ability to manage complex technology sales and enablement efforts.
??? Keen understanding of consultative solution selling skills.
??? Strong business intelligence.
??? Understanding of the services model.
??? Successful and proven performance in leveraged sales or business development.
??? Teamwork and communication skills are critical.
??? Technical knowledge of Microsoft?s products & channel model.

Job Segments: Business Development, Business Intelligence, Computer Science, Engineering, Field Sales, Information Systems, Sales, Systems Engineer, Technology

Click here to apply for this job

Location: Not Specified
Experience: 0 year(s)
Course of Study: Not Specified
Required Grade: ?Not Specified

Source: http://www.theoptimumcareers.com/2012/08/jobs-at-microsoft-nigeria.html

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Dispatches From the Republican National Convention

Illustration by Robert Neubecker.

Illustration by Robert Neubecker.

I've just taken my seat inside the convention hall for the first time. For your navigational needs, the Slate seat on the writing platform is in Section 106, located between Salon and Yahoo Espa?ol. For home viewers, we're off in the third section of laptop jockeys off to stage-left, up behind the Kansas delegation. We'll do our best to respectably represent Slate in panoramic tracking shots.

For all the press will obsess over staging in the next three days, the vagaries of our seating arrangements mean that none of the journalists in the hall can actually see the stage in its entirety from our seats. We're looking at speakers in profile from over their left shoulder. We can't see the backdrop of screens behind them, and only a tranche of the apr?s-ski furnishings that John found so fetching.

While we're dwelling on aesthetics, I was wondering if you guys had ideas about how to most artfully pull off the role of convention-week apostate. I got to wondering about this because the daily joint magazine of the Weekly Standard and Washington Examiner (a publishing model apparently sustained by ads for Liberty University, Weekly Standard cruises, and the new Dinesh D'Souza theatrical) ran back-to-back pieces today on former Democrat Artur Davis and former Republican Charlie Crist. ?

Naturally, the Standard interprets Davis' role at the convention as affirmation of the notion that "it's OK to have changed your mind about Obama." Crist's recent endorsement of Obama, however, is interpreted with no such benefit of the doubt: The piece about him is headlined "The Turncoat. "As hard as it is to stand on principle," David Freddoso writes, "It's a much harder political world for someone who doesn't believe in anything."

Neither Davis nor Crist has sold me on any kind of convincing conversion narrative, which makes situational opportunism the most plausible explanation for how and why they switched sides when they did. But it's gotten me wondering: Could either of these guys say anything now that made their conversion seem less than craven? What's the right way to pull off election-season apostasy??

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=4de6be1faf859f5de81ac4751f242217

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