রবিবার, ৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Make retro movies on 35mm film with the LomoKino toy video cam (Yahoo! News)

If you're a fan of the whimsical effects and analog style of toy cameras like the Diana, you're in for a treat. The LomoKino Super 35 keeps that same playful philosophy and applies it to video ? or perhaps "moving pictures" is a more apt way of putting it. This latest Lomographic innovation actually lets you shoot a sort of video on 35mm film, and the effect is pretty charming.

According to its creators, the LomoKino "mimics the low frame rates and noisy image quality of early film cameras," so you're sure to be reminded of movies that would seem more at home in the 1920s than in our eminently digital era.

The so-called "movie maker" shoots 144 pictures in 60 seconds, which breaks down to 2.4 frames per second and gives rise to this camera's ultra-retro jerky style. The best part is that it cleverly records the images on regular 35mm film, and in true Lomo style is powered by a handcrank, no batteries required.

A related gadget, the LomoKinoscope, can even play back the strange little movies you've made (once you get the film developed), all thanks to the analog wonders of a handcrank.?Ready to dive in? The LomoKino is available now for $99 ? a small price to pay for the analog adventured that await!

Lomography via Designboom

This article originally appeared on Tecca

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Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/tech/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_technews/20111104/tc_yblog_technews/make-retro-movies-on-35mm-film-with-the-lomokino-toy-video-cam

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