Wow, take a look at the statistics for closed Bonita Springs real estate sales in Bonita Springs and Estero Florida.? This is the lowest amount of short sales and the lowest foreclosures on records in quite some time. The Bonita Springs and Estero Florida area sported only about 5% distressed sales, a new record low.
If you?re a buyer or seller and wondering what the real estate market is doing, if the real estate market is recovering or recovered or what is going on out there, wonder no more.? Enjoy the fantastic news going into the new year!
All information is deem accurate, not guaranteed and subject to change.? Check the date on this report for freshness.? If you have questions regarding your particular neighborhood, your street or your home specifically you?re welcome to contact us for a current market report. Real estate consumers that read this website are urged to seek independent, professional legal, real estate and financial advice before engaging in any transaction. All information is deemed, accurate, subject to change and not guaranteed.
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Tags: Bonita Springs foreclosure, Bonita Springs Real Estate, Bonita Springs Real Estate Market Report, bonita springs short sale, December 2012, Estero Florida Real Estate, Estero Florida Real estate Market report, Estero Real Estate
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