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The president's multi billion dollar clean energy program as a dirty little secret.
Dirty as in hazardous.
Toxic waste dirty.
The taxpayer backed solar panels -- to promote -- cleaner environment.
Are creating millions of pounds of polluted -- and contaminated water.
Joining me now David -- certain research fellow at energy economics at The Heritage Foundation David welcome back to the show okay so.
I -- solar panels we're gonna make the world a better place -- by -- clean up the environment and in fact they're making things worse so.
What you see you have the and environmental activists the global warming activists all they can focus on its CO2.
They're willing to ignore.
The impact of higher electricity prices on the economy on health there willing to ignore the problems of the intermittent supplies and it was cloudy rainy you don't get it.
You'd think got at least they have the environment that I really has there's a lot of toxic waste it comes with production of the solar.
Are able let me let me show our viewers a little bit of -- so.
The 44 manufacturers of solar not panels in California produce 46 million pounds of hazardous waste.
From 2007.
To 2011 that.
Zero in on -- -- company near and dear to our hearts that the Willis -- we've covered it extensively they wasted over half a billion dollars of our taxpayer money they alone produce twelve point five million pounds.
Of hazardous waste.
Now I'm David -- -- -- hearing about companies producing hazardous waste but here's the problem.
These companies have to put these this hazardous waste and trucks and will it halfway across the country to get rid of it.
Didn't sound like maybe they expanded.
Their footprint when they did that.
-- sure they did they expanded their footprint that the main problem with this so -- that solar power is just too expensive it -- compete.
They'll be able to clean this up but there'll be a cost soon and indeed there'll be an environmental -- you mentioned and the carbon footprint.
But that the real problem mrs.
intermittent its uncompetitive.
Is bad for the economy and drives up electricity prices makes people -- All of these things and now they can't even retrieve it with -- -- saying that is pure environmentally all all the high tech industry hasn't.
-- -- and this is ridiculous so and to my point about having did to move this hazardous waste you know thousand miles across the country to get -- Doesn't mall they need the San Jose State University professor who study that said it would take one to three months.
Won just three months of generating electricity to pay -- the energy invested driving those hazardous waste emissions out of the state.
I mean -- this is just.
This is so crazy it makes my head spin we're we're bankrolling this taxpayer dollars are behind this week put everything we can.
-- -- things -- this kind of production.
And it makes absolutely no sense that China is is eating our lunch in terms of the competitive prices.
But why should the federal government bankroll this.
They shouldn't you know they're they're they're chasing this barrage of -- you know clean renewable energy.
There's simply not going to be able to provided at this scale that we need and here's another great irony -- looking -- California.
California imports 90% of their energy including over two thirds of their natural gas get their delegation here in Washington is overwhelmingly.
Against letting the other states -- use the technology.
To get the -- the Californians are importing.
How stupid is that.
You know I'm used to hearing.
Liberals complain about toxic waste right -- -- that's you know what that says a left position and you know big business is bad and make real -- of environmental hazards.
Solar panels used and create gallium arsenide which is highly toxic and causes cancer.
Did you ever hear lefties say that no they don't.
-- Now and their problems you know in the Indian wind energy is dangerous for workers -- all kinds of problems that you're not gonna hear about.
Because they wanted to have to make a look pure because it's so expensive and ineffective.
You know if they said look what we can take care of the -- of the of that toxic waste what's effective -- -- the -- They then have to admit that other industries the fossil fuel industry can take care of their problems which they're doing a I see your logic David.
Thanks for -- not tonight really appreciate your time what is story thank -- am.
Really appreciate it.
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